
Literatura > Shoumatoff (2001)

Shoumatoff (2001)

autor (rok) Shoumatoff, Nikolas & Shoumatoff, Nina (2001)
název The Alps : Europe's Mountain Heart
vydavatel University of Michigan Press
rozsah 265 stran
ISBN 0-472-11111-6
jazyk anglicky
dostupnost knihovna katedry geografie PřF UP

Kniha podává syntetický pohled na alpský region – věnuje se jeho geografii, geologii, podnebí, fauně a flóře, etnikům, dialektům, pastevectví, lidovému umění a pověstem, neopomíjí ani odraz alpské inspirace v umělecké tvorbě, význam Alp jako kolébky horolezectví a regionu zimních sportů.


1. The Alpine World Entering the Alps
One Day in the Alps
Past and Present
A Wedding of Nature and Culture
2. Where Peaks and People Are Mapping the Alps
Alpine Gaul
Swiss Alps and Adjacent Italy
Austrian and Southeast Alps
3. How Peaks Got There Mountain Formation, Part 1
Mountain Formation, Part 2
Mountain Formation, Part 3
Practical Geology
4. Alpine Climate, Snow, and Glaciers Climate
5. Vegetable Kingdom Ecology
6. Animal Kingdom Invertebrates
Nonmammal Vertebrates
7. People Talking Origins
Folk Talk
8. Mountain People's Lives Pastoral Life
Home Life
9. Literature Legends
10. Art and Music Visual Arts
Music and Dance
11. Warfare Early Campaigns
Feudal Fief Fights
Arrival of Modern War
12. To the Summits Climbs before 1800
Mont Blanc to the Matterhorn
Twentieth-Century Mountaineers
13. Around the Alps Travels before 1800
Nineteenth-Century Travels
Twentieth-Century Travels
14. Alpine Attractions Psychological Interactions
Emotions Not Merely Human
Attractions for Visitors
Fatal Attractions
Two Magic Mountains
Mona Lisa and the Alps
Three Who Loved the Alps
Floral Inspiration
Alpine Enchantment
Suggested Further Reading

Stránka naposledy upravena dne 31. 01. 2008

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